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Mental health

Statistics-Mental Health


Norways national health problems

Immigrants with non-western backgrounds are more likely to struggle with mental health issues than ethnic Norwegians. This may be due to stressful experiences in the home country, language barriers, subjects to a new culture, etc.

immigrants diagram health risk-01.png
immigrants diagram health risk-01.png
Healthissues Romsås v Sagene-01.png

Mental health 

We can see that Romsås scores higher than both Sagene and the average of Norway in the number of people struggling with health issues, physical as well as mental, and in parameters indicating bad health conditions. 

We can also see how depression and anxiety are distributed unevenly throughout Oslo, following the historical dividing lines in Oslo, drawing a difference between the western and eastern parts.

statistic all in one (1).png
Oslo mental health heat map_Depression-01 (1).jpg

Depression in Oslo

Oslo mental health heat map_Anxiety-01.jpg

Anxiety in Oslo

Impact-Mental Health


Impact on Romsås

Mental health has an impact on other factors like employment and early school leaving. The statistics of   these factors are showed in the graphics below.

We can see that Romsås has lower employment and a   higher amount of people leaving school early than the average of Oslo.

People in Romsås

Aged 19-66


Working in Romsås

The graphics below is to amplify the statement above by showing the different percentages.

Percentage-Young leaving school.jpg
Percentage of unemployed 30-59.jpg

Value chain

Value chain

actual value chain icon.png

This value chain shows that many risk factors exist before the appearance of a mental disorder, including the physical, cultural and social environment. Once a disorder appears, the treatment is done with a diagnosis, therapeutic treatment and then the prescription of medication.

Once the treatment is completed, the sick individual is reintegrated into his or her initial environment and is therefore once again exposed to risk factors. We can see in this chain that the investment is made in the training of doctors, in care and in medication.


How can prevention impact mental health problems? The graphic shows that the curves of people   needing treatment, with or without a mental disorder, are flattened with prevention. There are 3 possible   preventions, primary, secondary and tertiary, explained in the scheme below.

prevention benefice.png

Value chain - prevention

The new value chain that we propose reverses the action on the mental disorder by acting upstream, first on the risk factors (physical environment, isolation) and by prevention. 

The funds that will be saved by limiting the appearance of mental disorders and therefore the investment in treatments can be used for this prevention.

new value chain icon.png
Romsås/Gulag-Mental Health


The bad mental health statistics and badly built environment lead to the conclusion that Romsås is a mental gulag.

Romsås/Gulag - Built environment

Romsås does not only feel like a mental prison, it is built like it as well. The drawings below show Romsås   and Oslo prison. The elements are coloured the same; the entrance, residents, green area and boundaries.

Untitled-72 01 Artboard 1.jpg
Untitled-72 01 Artboard 1.jpg

Mind Romsås

©2022 by Group 1 of the Urban development Course of NTNU. made by

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