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Built environment Romsås - Sagene

Sagene is seen as a ‘good to live’ neighbourhood, whereas Romsås is seen as a bad neighbourhood. In the next maps, some very significant differences in the built environment are shown. In those maps the big differences in the number of city entries, street connections and activity are shown.

Oslo sagene vs Romsås-01.png
Romsås - entry.png
Sagene Entry pionts.png

City entry

Street network

Skjermbilde 2022-11-02 kl. 12.57.24.png


Oslo mental health heat map_Depression-01 (1).jpg
Oslo mental health heat map_Anxiety-01.jpg

Mental health Romsås - Sagene

Mental Health.png

There is not only a big difference in the built environment but also in mental health numbers.

We can conclude Romsås feels like a mental prison, with its lack of variety, entries and moving possibilities. 

Untitled-72 01 Artboard 1.jpg
Untitled-72 01 Artboard 1.jpg

Cost comparison

These differences in mental health express themselves in the money that goes into it. Where Romsås spends 24,4 million NOK on mental health problems each year, Sagene only spends 9.2 million NOK. This can be seen as a not to miss opportunity for the project. If Romsås meets the same urban qualities as Sagene, and thereby the same mental health numbers, there will be a lot of money saved each year, which can be invested.

The goal is thus reaching the same urban qualities in Romsås as in Sagene. This is translated into a scoring system of urban qualities, by which we try to reach this goal.

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]_Scoring system.png

Mind Romsås

©2022 by Group 1 of the Urban development Course of NTNU. made by

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