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Cost comparison

Romsås Health savings

Romsås health savings

Sick leave



Disability pension

24h hospital stays

saving money.png


Housing price pr sq/m

The price for block apartments in Groruddalen, the average square meter price in Romsås is 41 923kr.

The price for block apartments in Oslo, the average square meter price in Sagene is 82 382kr.

Price for block apartments - Romsås.jpg
Price for block apartments - Sagene.jpg

Cost comparison

Mental health cost comparison

This calculation compares mental health costs in the area of Romsås and Sagene on four major aspects: sick leave, disability benefits for mental health, medication and 24h stay in a mental hospital. This highlights the huge difference between the two areas in terms of mental health costs, rising to 63 million NOK. 

This calculation aims to understand how much money we could save on mental health treatment if we would make Romsås as good of a neighbourhood as Sagene, assuming that the built environment has a big impact on well-being. The states, which are financing those four aspects, would then have a big interest in investing in the Mind Romsås DAO to make Romsås more healthy and thriving while saving a lot of money on mental health treatment.

Mind Romsås

©2022 by Group 1 of the Urban development Course of NTNU. made by

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