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What if...

Urban qualities

Scoring system

What we want is to increase the overall quality of life for the residents of Romsås. By comparing Romsås and Sagene we now know that the built environment has an impact on the overall well-being of its residents. To apply the sense of well-being to quantifiable data, we used the housing price as a measurement tool. By using the difference in the housing price between these two spaces, we could now start to rebuild Romsås.

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]_Scoring system.png

From the comparison of Romsås and Sagene, Lynch, Gehl and Jacobs provided us with the theoretical premise as to what creates an efficient city. This gave us the 11 qualities. These qualities are divided into minor impact (quality 1 to 7) and major impact (quality 8 to 11). Major impact provides 2 points and minor impact provides 1 point, which equals 15 points achievable in total. The total housing price difference between Romsås and Sagene (40 459kr) is divided on a total of 15 points, which leaves us with the potential for 2697 kr/m2 housing price increase per point achieved.

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]_Scoring system.png

1 point achieved = 2697 kr increase per sq/m

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]_Scoring system.png

11 Urban qualities defined

To quantify this data, we have set specific parameters for each urban quality. This is to calculate how the existing elements within the selected area respond to the elements required in each urban quality.

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11 Urban qualities parameters

We have gathered all the information based on the built environment page and summarised all the elements existing in Romsås. These numbers are summarised in isolation and are not related to the total sq/km Romsås and Sagene have.

Some of these elements are fixed which prevents drastic adaption (like location and public transport). 

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Romsås elements needed 

In this table, we see how much the existing elements in Romsås responds to elements required to the total km2 in the area.

We have taken the basis that Romsås should aim towards the same quantity per km2 as in Sagene. Multiplying this to the total km2, we can now see the total improvement needed in the area related to each urban quality.

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]-06.png
Builing Elements

Building elements

Building a street

How many elements should be implemented in Romsås to get it to the urban quality of Sagene? Romsås has 10 streets in 2km², Sagene 42 in 3,1km². This means Romsås needs 9 streets per km² to reach the same amount per squared kilometre as Sagene. In the 2 km² it needs thus 18 elements.

Romsås - What if cost - simplified [Recovered]_Building a street.png
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When applying the scoring system to the streets, a street contains 3 urban qualities, worth of 4 points. When having all the streets the costprice would increase with 4 points x costprice per point. Implementing 1 of the 18 streets needed would deliver 1/18 of this price, or 600 kr/m².

Building a store

There is a big difference in the amount of stores between Sagene and Romsås. Romsås has 1 restaurant, 4 shops and 10 public service areas in 2km², Sagene has 48 restaurants, 79 shops and 33 public service areas in 3,1km². 

This means Romsås has 7.5 elements per km², and Sagene has 51 elements per km². Romsås needs 45 elements per km². So in the 2 km², it needs 90 elements.



Romsås trigger

This map represents the "triggers" of the Mind Romsas Project, with the main elements needed to improve the built environment: one main road crossing Romsas and connecting it to the other districts, one minor road, one shop, one restaurant and one public space. 

This would be the first step of the project and the base of the financial system.

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Idea development

The map below shows the new primary streets implemented in Romsås. Then we mapped what would happen if all the first floors of the buildings would be open, what small roads would develop then? The result can be seen on the new ground floor. For the primary streets, we mapped as well the new orientation map, new sound map and new eyes on the street map this would cause.

New transportation

We did conclude before that Romsås needs new, and better transportation possibilities. A good solution for this would be implementing public transport right through Romsås. Two examples of projects which integrate public transport are added. 

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Implementing elements

This map represents the ideal new network map with all the necessary main and secondary roads, connecting Romsas with the outside with a total of nine new entry points. The new roads are connecting actual meeting points and landmarks and create a new grid.

New streetmap Romsås [Recovered].png

New impact on residents

This diagram is based on the categories used in the European Union report on health & quality of life in an urban area, showing that the built environment and activities are the second and third most important aspects to guarantee well-being in a neighbourhood.

well being in neighbourhood.png

Value generated

Total cost of construction

The diagram underneath shows the cost of producing these streets and buildings. Building all the primary streets costs 675 000 000 kr, all the secondary streets cost 585 000 000. Building all the needed buildings would cost 1 269 516 000 kr. This summed up is then 2 529 516 000 kr, the total construction cost.

Romsås-What-if-cost-updated_Total construction cost.png

Value from new apartments

The newly implemented apartments deliver income and new inhabitants. The total amount received from selling the apartments would be 12 693 812 220 kr and there would be 4 793 new inhabitants. When we subtract the building cost of these apartments, we get a gain of 5 781 573 612 kr.

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Total sq/m price increase if urban qualities are fulfilled

When implementing all the needed elements the price per m2 of the existing apartments would increase to 35 100 kr per m2. The 18 new roads will each give an increase of 600 kr, the 90 shops each 210 kr and the 90 activities each 60 kr.

Total value generated - 1 year

What is the value created when it is finished in 1 year? There will be income from improving the mental health, the new apartments and the existing apartments.

And there will be the cost of constructing the roads and buildings. When we take this all into account we will have an income of 13 952 808 780 kr.

Romsås-What-if-cost-updated_1 year.png

Total value generated - 10 years

What changes when we divide this into 10 years? Each year we will invest a tenth of the cost price. We will gain each year a tenth of the increase of existing apartments and if we built a tenth of the new apartments, we will get a tenth of the total gain each year. 

The mental health will improve gradually over the ten years. This means that the first year they would save a tenth of the total, the second year they would save double of that and the third year, three times it and so on.

Romsås-What-if-cost-updated_10 years.png

Total value generated - 30 years

Finally, we have made a 30 years plan, following the same principle as the 10 years plan.

Romsås-What-if-cost-updated_30 years .png

New economy in Romsås

The diagrams show the relationships between Romsas's inhabitants, the State, mental health disorders and income. In the first one, which represents the actual relationships between the four elements, we can see that a lot of money gets spent on mental health treatments while the amount of mental disorders is very important. However, despite the money invested to help the inhabitant of Romsas, the average income stays very low, partly reduced by mental health problems.

In the second diagram, which represents the situation after the application of the Mind Romsas Project, we can see that money invested by the states and the inhabitants themselves manages to reduce mental health problems and generates income in a circular way.

circular economy romsas (1).png
Going Beyond

Going beyond Romsås

Integrating new network

The map below shows what integrating Romsås by making connecting roads would mean for the surrounding neighbourhoods.

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Mind Romsås

©2022 by Group 1 of the Urban development Course of NTNU. made by

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